Friday, January 9, 2009

Malawian Music
This was obtained from the site of the oraganization that I will be going with to Malawi next January. It's a recording of children singing traditional African music that is indigenous to the Malawian region- most will never receive a formal music education, considering the extreme poverty of the country.

Hip-hop Pow-Wow
I thought this was hysterical- perhaps a more modern take on a traditional form of dance. I wonder if the spirits accept prayer in hip-hop format?

African Traditional Dancing
This is a tradition performance of African dance- look for the surprise at the end!


  1. I loved the hip-hop pow wow. Well, it definitely demonstrates syncretism!

  2. The children's voices were so gentle and melting. I am sure it will be a terrific experience next year to experience this music first hand. It is quite amazing how powerful and important music is that all cultures regardless of the location or training participate in some form of it or another.
