Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Final Post

I really enjoyed learning about the Ecuadorian culture. I'd really love to get my hands on an imbabura harp and play it- it's got a fantastic sound and it would be lots of fun to learn. I realized that our own culture, while not very old, is a complex compound of lots of different cultures' influences and ideas. I learned a lot about the people that come to America, bringing their cultures and traditions- the US is truly a melting pot! I'd really really really like to learn more about the Ecuadorian music- it seems so interesting and, like I said, I'm fascinated with the imbabura harp!


  1. While doing cool stuff no. 2, I was actually searching the internet for a video of the Imbabura harp but I couldn't find any! Hmmmm, I wonder why.

  2. I enjoyed working with you as well! Haha, I can tell that you are fascinated with the imbabura harp. I found the Mother's lament so very sad, but free- ing in a way. A true, open expression of one's grief that is acceptable and expected.

  3. Ditto to Megan. The Mother's lament was simultaneously one of the saddest and most beautiful things I've ever heard. Oh, and yes, Imbabura harps are incredible. I'm going to contact Titon and find out where to get one!
